Fish & Vomit

44.8084° N, 124.0632° W//

Trip Itinerary :  
a. Portland OR
b. 101 South towards Lincoln City
c. Depoe Bay Charters (The Worlds Smallest Harbor)
d. Tacklebuster (web site) (facebook)

Fish and Vomit lightly sounds like an ironic hipster charter company, but that's exactly what the fam and I did. We really lived the pseudo brand by throwing up while reeling in monster lingcod, sea bass & canaries.

Booking a 4am, 6 hour fishing charter was our first mistake, after a night of boozing. I wouldn't 100% blame the drinking for the induced vomiting, cause my brothers had zero sips of alcohol, and they were still curled up, pale faced in the cabin.

Shout-outs to our charter Tacklebuster. They're an incredible crew, knowledgeable, patient and helpful. They made the experience painless and never judged when I walked off to take a rail break (throw up) I would definitely hire them again because their crew is great, and they put us in the best position to outfish all the other charters that day. In total our charter caught 47 lingcods, and that's just counting lingcods.