38.085° N, 119.309° W //

Trip Itinerary :

a. Bridgeport Ca.

b. Bridgeport Ranger District Office (For camp & fire pass) 

c. Green Lake (9000 FT.  In Elevation)

Green Lake is my latest jam, it definitely falls under top 5 backpacking and fishing destination close to SF for me. You can knock this out over a weekend.

The short 3 mile hike in feels more like 5 miles because of the climb and switch backs. I recommend arriving the night before and sleeping in the parking lot so that your body becomes acclimated to the altitude change. I made the mistake of arriving early in the morning and shocking my body with the 1000 ft altitude gain, that made me so sick I nearly threw up.  Note, the shady sections of the hike with clear signs of stagnant water is a buffet for mosquitoes. Bring a mosquito net or lots of deet cause you'll be passing a couple of buffets. Other than that, the views are epic. Trees run infinitely into the horizon. The landscape inspires paintings. The lake is refreshing in the afternoon sun. The trout seems slutty, real easy to hook. The views are amazing 360 degrees in any direction from where you decide to pitch a tent. 

Peep the photos from my trip: