I feel like an anxious kid waiting for Friday to come. Anna and I are meeting friends in Supai, Arizona. We'll be backpacking in, and camping in Supai Reservations for 2 days, 3 nights. Our destination: Havasupai Falls. 

I'm nervous because this will be my first time backpacking. I've been doing my research about the hike, and essentials to bring. Thank God for social media and the internet. It made preparing less jarring. Good news is my friend Chau that we're meeting up with, has done this three times. So I'm with a veteran. I'll be good. 

You'll have to wait until I come back to let you know if i'm either over prepared, or under prepared for this trip Though. I imagine backpacking in the summer time is much easier than in the winter in regards to the amount of gear required. Arizona weather is in the 100's right now so I am able to pack very little clothes. This opens up more room for my camera gear and food.  I feel good about the items I'm bringing. I feel less worried knowing it's just a weekend trip vs anythjng longer. My aspiration is to go on longer trips, but for now let conquer this 10 mile in and 10 mile out trip first. 

Last night I neatly played out everything I'll be squeezing into my backpack. I'm surprised everything fits. Even the drone (kind of wish.)